3 Perks of Class 4 Roofing – For Homeowners in Fort Worth, TX

As a Texas property owner, are you looking for a protective and durable roofing material? 

Well, one of them is Class IV. 

It is the highest quality roofing material you can get.  

According to the Insurance Information Institute, in 2022, America faced 4,436 hail storms. 

And alone in Texas, we faced over 458 of them.

It translates to 10.3% of the hailstorms! 

It is mainly hitting the Dallas-Fort Worth area the heaviest. 

Also, an analysis by StateFarm states that $510m was paid to the state of Texas for hailstorm insurance claims. 

It is ranking only second to Minnesota. 

As a home or commercial space owner, it is frustrating to change your roof every few years. 

That is why invest in a proper quality material. 

To fight harsh weather, Class 4 might be a solution to your roofing needs. 

One of the Class 4 rated material we install is Metal. Very durable, lasting but comes with a price tag.

Anyway, in this content asset, we explain why Class 4 is one of the best options.

What is Class 4?  

Roofing shingles of Class 4 are made from durable materials designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, such as high winds and hail.

These shingles are rated by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for impact resistance, with class 4 being the highest rating available. 

They are specifically designed to protect homes from hailstorms, falling debris, and strong winds.

At the same time, it helps property owners minimize the cost of replacing or repairing roofs frequently. 

Benefits of Class 4 for Texas 


Materials made of Class IV can withstand the harshest weather conditions of Texas. 

It includes facing solid winds, heavy rain and hail storms.

Compared to non-impact-resistant and standard materials, they are more durable and resistant to damage. 

And how do you prove that? 

Before being delivered to us, they are set to go through a set of experiments. 

A roofing shingle must endure multiple 2-inch steel ball drops from 20 feet to receive a Class IV rating.

It must show no sign of splitting, fracturing, tearing or any damage during the test.

Image Credit: https://harveyroofingtx.com/what-are-class-4-roofing-shingles/


As Class IV can fight against harsh weather well, it has a longer lifespan compared to a traditional standard shingle. 

A material able to protect and endure is a remarkable feat. 

But longevity translates into saving thousands of dollars for homeowners if the installation is done correctly. 

It leads to homeowners not needing to replace or repair their roofs frequently. 

We know how frustrating it can be. 

Imagine, after a hail storm, out of all the houses in the neighborhood, your roof is standing tall and straight. 

It is not a dream. It can be true. 

Improved Home Value

In America, on average, a homeowner lives in their house for five years. 

If you are someone who plans to sell your property in the next few years, install Class IV shingles if you are looking to replace your roof. 

Many deals have been made or broken because of the quality of the roof material being used. 

Prospects are willing to pay more for a house, knowing it has a roof made of durable and long-lasting materials. 

It reduces repair or maintenance costs from them. 

According to Remodeling, a metal roof replacement project that costs $35,504 can lead to an increase of $20,683 in home value on average. 

In the case of asphalt shingles, a project that costs $20,578 can lead to an increase of $13,375 in home value on average.

With the added Class IV rating, you can expect a gradual increase. 

Cons of Class 4 for Texas 


First of all, Class IV shingles are not one hundred percent hail or damage-proof. 

Many homeowners get sold by contractors, and their roofs will last for XYZ years. 

But guess what? 

The next time their home gets hit by a severe storm or wind, they might need a new replacement. 

As a result, it makes the contractor look silly. 

So, that is why you should refrain from listening to a contractor or a roofing company that overpromises. 

The expectation has to be reasonable. Lying to make extra bucks isn’t excusable.

Roofing products aren’t made from the Willy Wonka factory. 

But it does not falsify the fact that Class IV shingles are better at dealing with harsh weather. 

At the same time, they can still incur damage. 

And might require replacement. 


Before installing any piece of shingle, it is essential to analyze the structure of a roof. 

Is it suitable? 

Unlike traditional shingles, it is much heavier due to their added thickness and durability. 

During the inspection, we can determine whether or not the weight of Class IV shingles adds extra stress to the roof. 

If that is the case, it might require some added reinforcements. 

At the same time, many houses may have weight restrictions that limit the usage of heavy shingles. 

How Much Does Class 4 Cost

According to Fixr, Class IV shingles cost $4,960-$8,950. 

It is going to vary based on the brand material, the size of your house and the complexity of the project. 

If the product is 10% better, then you should be charged 10% higher. No more or less. 

But the problem is many contractors end up charging massive dollars to increase their margins.

Let’s go through an example scenario. 

You want Class IV shingles to be installed. 

After inspection, a local contractor or company charges you $300 per square foot for roof replacement. 

It is okay if anybody wants to charge high if the product is quite exceptional. 

But what about his cost? 

His cost is only $30 to $50 per square foot. 

How does it make sense to charge so high? 

But unfortunately, it happens a lot of the time. 

If the roofing material is slightly better than what you had earlier, it does not make sense to pay such big bucks. 

Unfortunately, it happens quite a lot.

Our Recommendation 

At ADC, we recommend choosing Class IV shingles. 

If you have the budget, go for a slightly more expensive option. 

It will serve you and your home for the foreseeable future, whether you choose to live there for a long time or sell the property at a higher price. 

The shingles will definitely add value in both ways. 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) 

Are Class 4 Roofing Shingles Necessary in Texas?

Class 4 shingles are highly recommended in Texas due to severe weather, including hailstorms, even though they are not mandatory. 

These shingles can provide better protection for your home.

Will Installing Class 4 Shingles Lower My Insurance Premiums in Texas?

Insurance companies in Texas may offer discounts for homes with Class IV roofing shingles because of their impact resistance. 

However, the amount of discount varies, and it is best to check with your insurer how much discount they can provide.

Can Class 4 Shingles Be Used on Any Roof in Texas?

Class IV shingles can be used on various roof types, but it’s essential to consult with a roofing expert to determine if they are suitable for your specific roof structure.

As stated earlier, some properties may have weight restrictions or not have the structural integrity to hold heavy shingles like Class IV.

How do I Find a Reliable Roofing Contractor in Texas for Class 4 Shingle Installation? 

To find a reliable roofing contractor, ask friends or neighbors for recommendations, check online reviews, and verify their licensing and insurance. 

Obtain multiple quotes from local roofers to make an informed decision.

Conclusion: Class 4 is Superior

Therefore, Class IV shingles are superior to traditional shingles. 

At American Dream Roofing, we install them and provide our clients with various styles and colors. 

We have been in this business for the past decade, serving more than a thousand satisfied clients. 

If you want a home roof renovation or business space roof renovation, contact us for a free-of-charge inspection. 

5 thoughts on “3 Perks of Class 4 Roofing – For Homeowners in Fort Worth, TX”

  1. Pingback: Definitive Guide: 10 Pros and Cons of Metal Roofing in Texas - American Dream Roofing

  2. Pingback: Ultimate Guide to Weathering Texas Storms: Multi-Family Roofing - American Dream Construction - Your Roofing Partner

  3. Pingback: Best Roofing Choices for Victorian Homes at Dallas-Fort Worth

  4. It is always good to read an informative blog. Thanks for sharing it. Your writing enlightens my mind about Class 4 material. I will try this material for my new office building. Currently, I have a metal roof that is also very durable and for its maintenance, I am using Liquid butyl EPDM that is the best sealant for roofs in my experience. This liquid rubber roof sealant not only fortifies the roof from harsh climate situations, but also extends the roof’s life span for 18-20 years.

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